Sunday, July 24, 2005

Front (side really) yard and yes it's a kookaburra on the post Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Hi Neil
Thinking of you.
Have saved the site to show Ron.
Jac @ Pare

Neil said...

Good on you Jac. And a big shout out to Ron!

Anonymous said...

Gudday EX-Boss!! Chris Here...

Tracked down your blog after loosing my contacts to the joys of Exchange 2003's roaming profile randomness. Just been reading through your adventures- sounds like you are having a blast. Glad to hear the Mopar is holding up nicely... Next time the exhaust flange comes loose, TAKE IT OFF- let the world hear that straight six burble unadulterated! Too loud? get some earmuffs and a Nurofen sponsorship!!
Keep on VAL-ing bro..