Saturday, July 09, 2005

Rest at last

Today we just hung around Michaels house. The boys all got on well together and Mike and I worked on the car.

The exhaust flange had come loose (The bolt hadn't quite fallen off), we repositioned the Air Conditioning controls (and shortening the bolts) almost moved the choke and then put it back. Replaced the fuse for the wipers and tightened the sun visor and the Drivers mirror.

The boys played various games consoles and jumped on the trampoline and rode a mini motorbike round the railway carpark.

graabed a few movies from Mike, tidied up his PC had a lovely dinner and pudding, watched a movie and hit the sack...

1 comment:

Neil said...

I'm sure you'll be OK. I did leave Grant to care for you.

We are having the best time! I love this old car and i love driving through Aussie.